Have you been searching for an approved RN Refresher Online Program OR Medical Surgical Review Course?
- Reinstate your license or earn contact hours for license renewal
- Online format provides anywhere, anytime access
- Latest updates in nursing care and management
- NCLEX style review questions
- Self-paced learning activities and resources complement course theory content
- Preceptored clinical experience in your home community
- Learner support available via Web, email, phone, text, and fax
This RN Refresher online program meets or exceeds Board of Nursing requirements and is accepted in many states. Check with your local Board of Nursing or contact me for more information.
Are you tired of saying “I used to be a nurse”? YOU CAN ENROLL FOR AS LITTLE AS $1425 TO GET STARTED!
It is time to refresh your nursing knowledge and skill and get back into the nursing workforce. Enroll today or contact the Executive Nursing Director for more information and to get your enrollment form!
I look forward to hearing from you: Please contact Dr. Sandra Wyrick directly by email at anewday.rnrefresher@gmail.com. If you would like to discuss the program further feel free to call my office at 425-478-0779