Frequently Asked Questions
Note: This program meets or exceeds most of the United States Board of Nursing requirements for RN Refresher Program and remedial courses.
A NEW DAY: RN Refresher Program “Refresh Your Way”
RN Licensure Requirements UPDATE: WA State DOH Nursing Commission now requires RN’s and LPN’s to have Continuing Education and Active Practice requirements to maintain an ACTIVE RN License.
If you are interested in more information on this you can contact the WA State Nursing Commission website.
Nursing Practice: Demonstrating Continuing Competency – Protecting the Public
What is the cost of the program?
The program tuition for the 12 month RN Refresher Online Program is $3750 payable at one time by check, money order or credit card. You can also pay using a 50/50 split method of payment for the $3750 tuition with final payment due in 90 days or before your final exam and if you need more time to pay your tuition you can pay in 3 easy installment payments of $1250 using 120 days to pay in full or before your final exam (contact the Executive Director for details; 425-478-0779 or by email
The program tuition for the 6 month RN Refresher Medical Surgical Review Program NCLEX REVIEW is $2850 payable by check, money order or credit card. (this program has no clinical component) You can also pay using a 50/50 split method of payment for the $2850 tuition(contact the Executive Director for details; 425-478-0779 or by email Once you pass your NCLEX RN exam you can pay the additional $900 to complete the clinical component of the program. (Contact the Executive Director for details)
The program tuition for the 6 month RN Refresher Medical Surgical Review Program NCLEX REVIEW is $3150 payable either one time by check, money order or credit card. (this program has no clinical component but does include a Live Skills Demonstration Evaluation) You can also pay using a 50/50 split method of payment for the $3150 tuition (contact the Executive Director for details; 425-478-0779 or by email
Text Books, E-Learning Resources and supplies are additional but will be available to the enrolled student at a tremendous discount by purchasing directly from the publishing representative and clinical supplier.
Are there any scholarships available to help support in paying tuition for the course Program Withdraw?
This program is registered as an approved provider on the “Training Providers Washington” list for WorkSource agencies in WA.
There are a few agencies that may have tuition assistance for you including your local Displaced Homemakers agency, Unemployment WorkSource agency, or Worker-Retraining agency. Check with your county unemployment WorkSource agency to see if you qualify.
Program Withdraw
A student who withdraws from the program for any reason will not be eligible for a Certificate of Program Completion and will not pass the course. Please notify the program executive director if you are withdrawing from the program. Keep in mind you have 12 months to complete this program.
- The application/tuition fee is non- refundable after 2 days of enrollment date. Refunds within the 2 days of enrollment will result in a 25% service fee of the full tuition price of $3750. Refund requests must be made via email within the 2 day time-frame to the Executive Nursing Director at
- This is to keep tuition fees down. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Who teaches the program?
You will have one-one assistance as needed with the Executive Nursing Director. It is an individual self-learning course so all the information is located in the books, online curriculum/testing and virtual clinical simulations, skills DVD’s and on the WEB site and program monitored by the Executive Director of Nursing.
How and where do I go to get my clinical practicum?
You and your Executive Director will negotiate your clinical experience at the healthcare facility of your choice within the State of Washington or your geographic State that best fits your background and experience as a nurse. The course is based on medical-surgical competencies so it is advisable to obtain the 160 hours at a facility near you that has medical surgical or other acute care nursing venues; in-patient, out-patient clinics, skilled nursing rehab facilities are all examples. Once you have started the didactic component of this program you should begin the process of locating a partner facility for your clinical experience. Program assistance is provided upon request and affiliation agreements are completed at the request of the clinical facility. Experience has shown that nurses who work a 40 hour work week on acute care units or clinics come away from the course with better experience and a higher level of self-confidence.
What else do I need to do before I can start my practical experience?
You will need to successfully pass the Fluid and Medication Calculation Exam and Final Exam for the didactic component as well as all chapter review quizzes, clinical skills competency evaluation, and vSim Virtual Simulation Clinical Scenarios. All credentialing documents must be received and reviewed by the program executive director.
Why do I need to get a background check?
Most health care facilities now require a background check for all employees. In order to do your clinical rotation you will need the basic screening. Please apply for your background check as an “individual client” . Cost varies so visit their website for details
Note: Some institutions may also require an additional check on a Panel Drug Screen. The individual institutions will instruct you on how best to obtain this screening.
Do all the healthcare facilities accept this course and the students?
To date, no healthcare facility has rejected a student from this course. Timing is everything. Facilities have a commitment to colleges and universities for their students so you may be in competition for a preceptor. There are competency checklists, objectives, and evaluations that support and help guide your clinical experience. Most nurses try to obtain their clinical at a facility where they want to work. This is a “win-win” situation where you the student are providing patient care and the facility is providing the preceptor and learning arena. At the completion of the clinical you are ready to hit the ground running and will need minimal if any additional hospital orientation or training. This is a big savings for the facilities. It also allows you to size up the facility and for them to check you out!!!
Do healthcare facilities charge a fee for the clinical experience?
To date none have.
Do I have to do my clinical in a hospital or can I do it in a long term care facility or somewhere else?
The course is based on general medical surgical competencies. The best experience is in an acute care facility. This is a stepping off point to any other area so it is advisable to get your experience in an acute care hospital, clinic, or skilled nursing facility. Depending on location and circumstances you may find the Ambulatory Facilities or Skilled Nursing rehab facilities more appropriate.
Where can I get the pre- requisites? (CPR, Immunizations, liability insurance, current nursing license)?
- Call your local American Red Cross Association, American Heart Association or local hospital to see when they offer the course. There is generally a fee for the course. It is advisable to take the first responder to include infant and child.
- Your local public health department or primary physician can give you the immunizations required. Most hospitals now require current hepatitis B series, tetanus, two-step PPD, varicella, rubella or titer. Check with the facility where you want to work to see what they require for their personnel.
- Nursing liability insurance can be obtained from several sources.
NSO is recognized by the National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA)
Nursing Service Organization
159 East County Line Road
Hatboro, PA 19040
Phone: 1-800-247-1500Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Marsh Affinity Group Services
1440 Renaissance Drive
Park Ridge, Il 60068
Phone: 1-800-503-9230 - You must have a current nursing license to do your practicum. You can get information from the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission or from your State Board of Nursing if other than Washington.
Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission
Washington State Department of Health
PO Box 47865
Olympia, WA 98504-7865
Phone: 360-236-4745
How do I gain access to the course?
Download and complete the enrollment application document. Once you have sent your completed document and tuition payment to the Executive Director you will be notified by email if you are approved for enrollment. If approval is met, your Student RN Refresher Program Binder will be sent to you by postal mail. If not, your tuition payment will be returned. The process for the course is explained including steps for ordering your text books.
What else do I need to do before I can start my practical experience?
You will need to successfully pass the Medication Calculation Exam and Final Exam for the didactic component and complete the review of all of the clinical skills CD’s and course modules including chapter review quizzes.
Where are the records of course completion kept?
All records of course completion are kept in the home office in Seattle for 5 years.
Where do I get the certificate of completion?
A NEW DAY: RN Refresher Online program will send you the certificate of completion after you have submitted the completed checklists and evaluations of your 160 hour clinical experience.
Would I gain more benefit in a structured and classroom program?
It is depended upon your preferred learning style and life commitments: If you have the time and availability of a classroom setting, some find it extremely beneficial for the face to face interaction with an instructor and the networking and collegiality with other students. This course is designed for the RN who either does not have access to a classroom RN Refresher program or because of other commitments (family, children, job) and cannot or does not wish to attend a classroom based program. This program requires more self-discipline and motivation by the student but has the flexibility and availability of “anytime or anywhere”.
My license is inactive – Does this course meet the requirements of the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission to activate my license?
Yes. This had been designed as 122 hours of theory and 160 hours of clinical which exceeds the requirements for Washington State (WAC 246-840-130). This is the number of contract hours required for a 3 or more year lapse. For more information, follow this link to the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission.